Green building or sustainable building refers to both a structure and the application of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life cycle: From planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition.
On the aesthetic side of green architecture or sustainable design is the philosophy of designing a building that is in harmony with the natural features and resources surrounding the site.
Many factors have a major influence on reducing the energy expenditure in building sector as researches showed that green building are the best management practices due to social, environmental and economic benefits. It can enhance storm water management, reduce urban noise, mitigate pollution, have an effect on urban heat and on human health, energy savings, and decreasing surface temperature which all lead to preserve biodiversity.

Main Goals:
1. Increase the understanding of energy efficiency and environmental quality through the interaction between design, stakeholders, youth, females, people with disabilities, and local environmental civil society.
1.1. Interaction could by increased by:
- Regular meetings and workshops.
- Training the staff.
- Checklists.
2. Applying architectural tips for the construction of Sustainable/energy-efficient buildings. It often emphasizes taking advantage of renewable resources.
First cost and operating costs can be reduced by applying sustainable/green tips which relies on considering the followings:
- Relationship between building and immediate environment, choices of construction process and materials and low nuisance construction site.
- Site location and site orientation.
- Building form and geometry.
- Building envelope (such as double-glazed windows, using heat-reflecting coating and shading).
- Arrangement/Grouping of Spaces.
- Using plants and trees through green roofs, rain gardens, and reduction of rainwater run-off.
3. Reduce the energy consumption for HVAC, water heating and lighting by
- Using Improved thermal insulation materials.
- Improving the use of daylight.
- Using solar energy and heat pumps for water heating.
- Providing natural ventilation in combination with air conditioning, using operable windows, cross-ventilation and the stack effect.
- Reducing lighting loads by applying ASHRAE 90.1 power density standards as a maximum.
- Specifying High-efficiency equipment.
- Using better control methods for equipment.
- Specifying and using an efficient lighting system.
- Using sunlight through passive solar, active solar, wind power, hydro power and photovoltaic equipment.
4. Advance the understanding of the impact of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) on work performance, health symptoms and perceived environmental quality inside the building. In general, it has been found that, "there is a direct correlation between increased productivity of employees who love being in their work space." Specifically, worker productivity can be significantly impacted by certain aspects of green building design through the following
- Introducing outdoor air for ventilation (advanced ventilation systems).
- Ensuring thermal and visual comfort for the occupants.
- Ensuring acceptable noise level and proper air cleaning for the spaces.
- The use of non-toxic building materials.
5. Development of tools, procedures and methods suitable for designing green buildings. To the maximum extent feasible, facilities should increase their dependence on water that is collected, used, purified, and reused on-site, through specifying and using the following
- Water conserving plumbing fixtures.
- Non-chemical water treatment.
- Graywater systems.
- Point-of-Use Domestic Hot Water Heaters.
- Rainwater Harvesting.
- Green buildings specification checklist.
- Construction methods and procedures to ensure a fully realized green project.
6. Maximize the actual operational energy performance of buildings and facilities through training the end- users and the operation and maintenance (O&M) staff to
- Sharpen the understanding of the technical, economic, institutional and human factors that contribute to the gap between potential and actual energy performance (staff should aim to establish best practices in energy efficiency, resource conservation, ecologically sensitive products and other sustainable practices). This understanding could be increased by holding training workshops to O&M team and end- users.
- Develop tools and methods to maximize the actual energy performance of buildings.
- Document the energy savings and improvements in performance that can be realized through use of these tools and methods.

Value Engineering in Construction Projects During the Studies and Design Phase

Value Engineering in Construction Projects During the Studies and Design Phase
Value engineering during the stages of studies and designs for any construction project is an organized effort directed at all stages of studies and designs so that it includes analyzing the characteristics of materials, systems and equipment and choosing the most appropriate one with a balance of the efficiency of the required functions with the cost in order to achieve the basic functions at the lowest cost during the life cycle of the facility to suit the required performance, quality, reliability and safety So that this study includes the specifications and the initial cost, operation and maintenance.

Value Engineering

Value Engineering
1. Objective
The objective of value engineering in construction projects during the studies and design phase is to consider an integrated study of the origin that achieves the required goal and to take into account at the same time that the study, designs and implementation documents bring about the desired balance between the Owner’s requirements of the project so that the project itself achieves the design, specifications and the implementation time period, accordingly the best possible value at the lowest cost is targeted. In order to realize this objective, value engineering is utilized to solve problems, identify and eliminate undesirable costs and improve functionality and quality through a set of steps designed for improving the final product, while taking into account the initial cost and operation and maintenance costs.

Value Engineering

Value Engineering
2. Work Steps During the Studies and Design Phase
2.1. Information/Data collection
Collecting data and gaining a clear understanding of the project. This is done in the exploratory phase of the project through the following:
2.1.1. The project’s requirements received from the Employer and studying and understanding the main objectives of the project, in addition to acknowledging the best wat to operate and maintain it, the possibility of future expansion and any notes required by the Employer.
2.1.2. Laws and regulations that require obtaining approvals on the project and any terms or conditions that must be included in the studies’ phase to be achieved.
2.1.3. Determining the information sources of the constituent materials of the project, categorizing them according to each element of the project and indicating all the available options so they can be studied in later phases.
2.1.4. Identifying the options of the entity(s) that will execute the required works, their competences and evaluation so that these options can be studied in later phases.
2.1.5. Studying materials, schedule, costs, shop drawings and specifications so the team becomes more aware of and familiar with the project concept, who will use the final product and what expectations entail. Once you understand what you are dealing with, you will start acknowledging what the function entitles.
2.2. Information/Data Analysis
Analyzing data and acquiring a clear understanding of their entire details, categorizing them according to their area of usage and identifying the best options to use them. This can be accomplished in the first phase that involves producing the initial design concept for the project through working on completing the following:
2.2.1. Analyzing the functions of the elements determined in the previous step and assess their necessity in achieving the project goals. These functions are divided into: “Primary Functions” that are vital to reach the final product, and the “Secondary Functions” that are noticeable but not decisive for the essence of the project. Once identified, the studies and design team can innovate and search for the solutions that fulfil the project requirements determined and received from the Employer.
2.2.2. Categorizing the analysis under the above item by defining the available options and specifying it within priorities that are based on the foundations set to achieve the objective.
2.3. Development
This takes place in the studies and design phase through the following steps:
2.3.1. Developing alternative solutions to provide the necessary construction functions. The value engineering team brainstorms to generate potential design solutions in order to realize the required functions of the project, whether it is intelligence, putting emphasis on high-cost elements, etc. This phase is a crucial phase in value engineering.
2.3.2. Categorizing the development phase under the item above by placing priority options.
2.4. Evaluation
This phase is the subsequent phase of the development phase and takes place in the studies and design phase, and it consists of the following:
2.4.1. Studying costs in accordance with the evaluation priorities in the alternative solutions data, while taking into account the cost of the solution in real-time and the cost over the life cycle of the constructed facility.
2.4.2. Developing alternative solutions to provide the necessary construction functions. The value engineering team brainstorms to generate potential design solutions in order to realize the required functions of the project, whether it is intelligence, putting emphasis on high-cost elements, etc. This phase is a crucial phase in value engineering.
2.5. Selecting Options
This phase is the subsequent phase of the evaluation phase and takes place in the studies and design phase, and it consists of the following:
2.5.1. Developing alternatives with higher success probability and studying their consistency with the project timeline.
2.5.2. Preparing digital shop drawings and models, verifying cost estimates and/or validating the decisions.
2.5.3. Compiling all the recommendations reached, and determining their advantages, disadvantages and implementation plans to be submitted to the Employer for approval.